Art and Design

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At All Saints, we believe that art and design should inspire and ignite the creativity of our children.

Our curriculum encourages a love of artistic learning, motivates and develops creative skills and engages all children with the knowledge and skills to become budding young artists.  We believe that all of our children should have the opportunities to engage in high quality art and design lessons where they can learn to develop skills and understanding of line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, shape, 3D form, alongside exploring the work of great artists. Art and design plays a vital part in developing children’s critical thinking and we aim to encourage all children to adopt an appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts.

We will be delivering exciting lessons which feature a diverse range of artists and craftspeople. Our art curriculum is designed to inspire creativity amongst the children. Our coverage also ensures that we teach the children a broad range of artistic skills including painting, drawing, craft and design and sculpture and 3D.

Subject Documents Date  
Art Progression 18th Apr 2024 Download
Intent Implementation and Impact Art 24th Apr 2024 Download
Art Progression of Knowledge 24th Apr 2024 Download
Art Overview Rolling Programme All Saints Axminster C of E Primary School 24th Apr 2024 Download