Forest School

All pupils in Early Years Foundation Stage (Kit Class) and Year 1/.Year 2 (Yarty Class) access Forest School provision, on our school site, fortnightly in Autumn Term, Spring Term and Summer Term.  This provision is hosted by specialist from Primary Forest School & Outdoor Education.

Pupil in Year 3/Year 4 (Corry Class) access Forest School provision fortnightly in Autumn Term.

Pupils with SEND may be offered Forest School provision, depending upon their need and the provision detailed in their My Plan or Education Health and Care plan.

Why Forest School?

The ethos of Forest School is for children to instigate, test and maintain a curiosity in the world around them.  It allows children to explore, be creative, learn about and preserve the natural world in a safe environment. It is a common belief that every child has the right to play/ learn in the outdoors and Forest School can clearly achieve such targets. 

New ExperiencesForest school1

Forest school can provide children with the experiences to learn, apply and transfer skills into everyday life.

  • Communication during fire safety
  • Problem solving during den building
  • Team work during bug hunts
  • Independence during free play
  • Respect for peers, wildlife and the environment in every session.

Improve SkillsForest school2

Forest school can increase numerous skills for children.

  • Confidence
  • Self-esteem
  • Motivation
  • Concentration
  • Problem solving ability
  • Stress relief

Mental Well-Being

Forest school boosts children's overall development.

  • Child-Led Learning
  • Skill Development
  • Mental Wellbeing Focus
  • Positive Experiences
  • Green Space Benefits