If your child is absent, for whatever reason, please let the office know either by leaving a message on the absence phone line or by emailing asps.admin@stcmat.org by 9.15am on the first day of absence and every day thereafter.
Notification of absence is very important so we ask you to comply with this request at all times. If your child is absent and we have not heard from you then we will try to contact you.
Please ensure that your contact details are up to date so that we can contact you immediately if there is an emergency or if your child is ill.
Approval for days off must be obtained in advance through the completion of an absence request form at least three weeks in advance.
Further details on attendance can be found in the policy below.
Attendance Policy 24-25Attendance Letter October 23
As learning in school starts promptly at 9am, registers are taken at 9am. Those arriving late in school (i.e. after 9am) are marked as late and those arriving after registers have closed (i.e. after 9.15am) will have an unauthorised late mark. These affect your child’s attendance.
Please support us and your child's education by ensuring they are in school before 9am so they they do not miss learning time. Our school gates open at 8.45am to help facilitate drop off in the mornings.