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Curriculum Overview

We hope the curriculum statement and website overviews below will give you an insight into our curriculum at All Saints.  However, if you would like further information about our curriculum, please contact the school on 01297 32761 or email asps.admin@stcmat.org to arrange to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

The National Curriculum - A Guide for Parents

Our Curriculum

The curriculum at All Saints intends to excite, inspire and challenge our children to produce leaders and communicators who are healthy and happy through encouraging critical thinking and risk taking and providing a wide range of rich experiences.

Our RE curriculum aims to provide children with a high-quality, sequential, religious education (RE) programme. This is essential to meet the statutory requirement for all state funded schools,  academies and free schools, to teach a full curriculum that prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern Britain. Our pupils find learning about all faiths and spirituality highly rewarding and enables them to be curious and objective.  We are always careful to ensure that children receive a broad and balanced experience where they can consider their own views and values.  As a parent, you do have the right to withdraw your child from, part or all, of RE lessons if you wished to do so. If this is something you are considering or would like to know more about please make an appointment to discuss this with the Headteacher. To do this please contact the school office.

Curriculum Organisation

Across the school we have chosen to use a variety of schemes of learning in order to help us deliver the National Curriculum, and more, in a way that will achieve our curriculum aims.

Children are taught in mixed age classes so the school follows a two-year rolling programme to ensure that all children experience for full breadth of our curriculum.

Each curricular subject is taught discretely every week and curriculum enhancements are planned half termly.  

For more information in relation to your child's curriculum, please see the termly curriculum letters and contact your child's class teacher.

Whole School Curriculum Overview


Speechlink Parent Portal