Mental Health

Our Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing 

At All Saints, we believe that a child’s mental health and wellbeing is paramount in their ability to aspire, achieve and flourish. Mental health can be defined as ‘state of well-being that enables people to cope with life's stresses and realise their potential’. We acknowledge that our pupils come from all different backgrounds with different life experiences and sometimes, they may need support to navigate this.  

We work very closely with the East Devon Mental Health Support Team (an NHS service) to not only deliver high quality mental health teaching but also provide more bespoke support plans to those who might need a bit more than the universal provision.  

Our Designated Mental Health Lead liaises regularly with the MHST to plan sessions for Key Stage 2 ‘Decider Skills’ (a series of lessons based on how to remain calm and understand their own anxieties), provide parent sessions on understanding anxiety in children and work 1:1 or in small groups with referred pupils.  

We also dedicate PSHE lessons to the teaching of mental health and wellbeing to ensure this message is consistent across the school. Pupils are encouraged to eat well, sleep well, exercise often and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Further signposting for support can be provided for pupils who may need support in these areas.  

Useful websites and books for further information can be found below: 



Hey Warrior - Karen Young  

Freddie the Fox Feels Frightened - John Wood  

How full is your bucket for kids - Mary Reckmeyer and Tom Rath  

The Worrysaurus - Rachel Bright  

What to do when you worry too much - Dawn Huebner  

Ruby’s Worry - Tom Percival  

My Hidden Chimp - Professor Steve Rogers  

The huge bag of worries - Virginia Ironside  

You are awesome - Matthew Syed 


Designated Mental Health Lead: Miss Osman  

Mhst leaflet