Teaching our Children to be Leaders

At All Saints CofE Primary School, we offer opportunities for pupils to develop as leaders. 

School Parliament

  • Our School Parliament discuss the issues which impact on life at All Saints CE Primary School e.g. voting on investment in new playground equipment, reviewing the Uniform policy, helping to improve enrichment opportunities etc.

  • Our School Parliament have an annual opportunity to meet Richard Foord, MP.

Eco Council

  • Our Eco Council are leading our work towards developing our own Climate Action Plan. 

Young Sport Leaders

  • Our Young Sport Leaders host weekly playground activities to promote active play and socialisation.


  • We have a passion for reading, including reading for pleasures. Our Librarians help to maintain the Library environment so that every child can find a book that they love.

Year 5/Year 6 Buddies for new pupils

When new pupils enrol at All Saints CofE Primary School, they are provided with a buddy from Year 5 and Year 6.  

The buddy will:

  • Provide a tour of the school and introduce them to all members of staff;

  • Teach the school rules and associated actions;

  • Explain the school routines, e.g. how to enter Worship.

  • Provide ongoing pastoral support.